Why do some small businesses succeed wildly while others fail?

Presentation at the American Marketing Association Inland Empire

Ron Burgess presenting to American Marketing

Ron Burgess presenting at the American Marketing Association Inland Empire on how small businesses need to find and create emplacement in their market crack.

(Inland Empire Marketing Association) – Ron Burgess presented his views on how small businesses should view their position in the market.  His presentation comes as a precursor to the release of his marketing book for small businessFinding your Crack in the Market”  

Ron has three decades of marketing experience, is a Past-President of the AMA-IE, and has a passion for small business marketing.  His book is a capstone to a career working with businesses under 250 employees and sheds a unique light on the challenges and opportunities that small businesses experience.

Some key points you will learn from Finding your Crack in the Market?

  • Learn how to determine if your company fills a market niche!
  • Find out about how your company can create market leadership in your crack.
  • Build defenses for your market niche with “Market Emplacement”

Finding Your Crack in the Market is scheduled for released in the first days of 2013. F

Below are the slides from his presentation.