Once logged into your Flickr account, go to the “Organize” dropdown menu and select “Your Sets.” At the bottom of the page, there is a dropdown menu to select which photos you will be adding to your new set, e.g. “All your content” or “Content Uploaded on…” This is just helpful so that you don’t put duplicate photos in separate sets. Next, click the “create a new set” link near the top of the page. Drag and drop each photo that you want to include in your set, from the row of photos at the bottom, into the body of the page. For more information on creating sets, refer to this page: http://www.flickr.com/help/organizr/
Once you have created your set, and are ready to embed it into a webpage as a slideshow, click on the “Your Photostream” link in the upper right of the page. Once on the Photostream page, click on the set of photos to the right that you wish to embed.
Now you can either a.) Grab the direct link to your photo set, or b.) Create a Slideshow of your set.
a.) If you want to send viewers from your webpage to your photo set, click “Share This” in the upper right and click “Grab the link” in the next pop up window. You can copy and paste the link into your webpage or an email so send viewer to see your photo set.
b.) To create a Sideshow, click “SlideShow” in the upper right of the page. A preview of your slideshow will open; click on the “Share” link at the upper right of the page. You will be given the option to “Grab the URL” (in the case that you wanted to link directly to your slideshow) or “Grab the embed HTML” (in the case that you wanted to have the slideshow appear within your webpage). If you are embedding the slideshow in a webpage, you will copy the HTML code and paste it into the body of the webpage that you want it to appear on. You can alter the size of your slideshow by changing the width and height in the beginning of the HTML code. This section of code looks like this: <object width=”400″ height=”300″>
For more information on embedding a Slideshow or sharing photos, refer to this page:http://www.flickr.com/help/sharing/