
Why is this page Awesome?


Molly made sure to take the picture, so she wouldn’t have to grow a beard.


  1. You got to it because you saw us live (Hopefully, you shook our hand.)
  2. We told you we would give you all the assets we talked about!
  3. You get to see the Burgess clan who can be a bunch of knuckleheads.

Why is page not so awesome? It is not done, because it is tax day, and the tax man wants some attention.

SO, please give us your email (below). We will email you the assets next week!

Some Awesome Things:

  • Email programs
  • Social media tools
  • Lead generation tools
  • Design tools and services
  • Website and hosting tools
  • Marketing automation tools
  • Contact management
  • Any videos, presentations or other interesting things.
  • Smart marketing tactics
  • AND how you can have a FREE run of ourĀ Website Marketing Grader

After filling out your email, you will be taken to our Knowledge Center that has downloadable resources for you.